Thursday, August 27, 2020
Waltz essays
Three step dance articles Kenneth Waltz starts his conversation of the level of influence by posing the inquiry of whether it even exists. He asks whether it is a deception or reality. He feels that it does exist and that it is unequivocally a piece of states regular reality. He feels along these lines, since he accepts that a key factor to states, if not the most significant factor is the one of endurance. States are not ensured security, except if they give it to themselves, as per Waltz. States will do whatever is important to ensure themselves, including participation and framing alliances, to ensure this security. Three step dance utilizes a case of a standard game to help inspect his point. He says that in a game, with at least two players, one who needs to win needs to follow a procedure. His own, yet the techniques of different players too. To dominate this match, one may shape an alliance with another, in spite of the fact that that player could have been considered the adversary not exactly a couple of minuets prior. Three step dance likewise calls attention to that this coordinated effort between the two comes when another player is very nearly winning. He likewise expresses that this collaboration, may not occur, for different reasons. These reasons could be that the two abhorrence each other to an extreme, or that they are not wise enough to understand that this collaboration needs to occur. Here Waltz can take a basic game, and build up the fundamental reasons, why states coordinate, and this explanation is on the grounds that they need to adjust the intensity of another express, that is nearly winning the game. The consequence of another state winning the game is that different states included are currently at a misfortune. He likewise shows how a state can free, by being oblivious in regards to the need to participate. States may not adjust the intensity of another, as a result of such things as states not getting along, or the way that they are simply too uninformed to even think about realizing that they have to participate with the goal that they ca... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bentham and Mills on Utilitarianism Essay Example for Free
Bentham and Mills on Utilitarianism Essay Im Researching Saved Recents Uploads My Answers Account Products Home Essays Drive Answers Texty About Company Legal Site Map Contact Us Advertise  ©2016 Bentham and Mills on Utilitarianism, Ethics, John Stuart Mill Mar 28, 2006 1882Words 355Views PAGE 5 OF 5 As an American culture sculptures and laws are set before us to set a standard of profound quality and equity. In any case, what genuinely decides if an activity is good or corrupt? As I dissect crafted by Jeremy Bentham, in his Principle of Utility, Alongside John Stuart Mill, on Utilitarianism, we will better comprehend what the establishments of ethical quality are in agreement to their compositions. Besides, through their gauges of utility I will break down the circumstance proposed with regards to in the case of undermining your annual assessments can be supported as ethically right or wrong according to the utilitarian. In his Work, Jeremy Bentham states Utilitarianism as that rule which supports or refutes of each activity at all, as per the inclination which it seems to have expanded or lessened the joy of the gathering whose intrigue is being referred to. Obviously expressed, Bentham characterizes utilitarianism as the moral rightness or misleading quality of an activity straightforwardly identified with the utility of that activity. Utility is all the more explicitly characterized as a proportion of the integrity or disagreeableness of the outcomes of an activity. J. S Mill later grows Benthams meaning of the term by saying utility holds that activities are directly in extent as they will in general advance satisfaction, off-base as they will in general advance the opposite of bliss. Plant characterizes bliss as the nonattendance of agony. Plant further expresses that there are various degrees of joys. He expresses that a few joys are of higher caliber than others and in this way increasingly alluring. Plant expresses that, if all delights are equivalent and the main contrast is in their amounts then people and lesser creatures, (for example, a pig ) would get satisfaction from similar wellsprings of joy. Though Benthams utilitarianism sees no difference amongst various creatures and doles out a similar delight to all individuals from the network, Mill isolates people and lesser creatures, which have joy that is of various classification and worth. Factory gives a model by saying, It is smarter to be an individual disappointed than a pig fulfilled; preferable to be Socrates disappointed over a dolt fulfilled. In looking at the two, one can see that Bentham and Mill concur that utility is estimated by the consequence of joy (or nonappearance of agony) of an activity. The following firm establishment of utility, as per Bentham, is the best joy of the best number of individuals who are influenced by the exhibition of an activity. He expresses, The enthusiasm of the network (the whole of the enthusiasm of a few individuals who create it) is one of the most broad articulations that can happen in the expressiveness of ethics. He guessed that social strategies are appropriately evaluated considering their impact on the general prosperity of most of the populace that is included. In an utilitarian way of thinking the impacts of an activity is to be fastidiously determined for more noteworthy's benefit of the majority. Factory later depicts the flawlessness of utilitarian ethical quality with the brilliant guideline of Jesus of Nazareth. In this standard he suggests the area in the Bible where Jesus asserts that we ought to do as you would be finished by, and to cherish your neighbor as yourself. In saying this he expresses that laws and social game plans should put their bliss of each person as about as conceivable in congruity with the enthusiasm of the entirety. It very well may be said that most extreme utility outcomes when the accompanying procedure is embraced: 1) dissecting the larger part (level of bliss experienced by individuals) after each activity made. 2) Summate the degrees of satisfaction experienced for each situation. 3) And in conclusion, look at the outcomes. The one that can be said to prompt the more prominent measure of complete joy or satisfaction is the unrivaled other option. Maybe the contrast between the two can be that Bentham puts stock in an exact estimation of the utility of every conceivable activity in a given circumstance. This exact figuring is accomplished through various models which are as per the following: 1)Pleasure less torment 2)Intensity 3)Duration 4)Fruitfulness 5)Likelihood The main standards, of delight less torment, alludes to whether the torment delivered by the choice merits the bliss created. The second, being force, alludes to the subsequent quality. Term, as the third measures, identifies with the time span the experience keeps going. The fourth factor of productivity alludes to the drawn out consequences of the joy. Lastly, probability decides if it is likely the decision will bring about the assumed impact. Through cautious count of these elements, Bentham trusts it is conceivable to come to choose the best decision, consequently carrying joy to the most measure of individuals. Factory, then again, doesn't restrict the very idea of figuring utility, yet only the exertion and time it would take to ascertain the choice made. Factory accepts that choices are superiorly made through the use of decides that have been determined early. He states, We will analyze directly of what nature are these contemplations; in what way they apply to the case, and what discerning grounds, hence, can be given for tolerating or dismissing the utilitarian recipe. With the in advance of referenced establishments of Utility, can the accompanying given condition be supposed to be ethically directly according to the Utilitarian: Suppose you have a dear companion who needs $1000 for her moms doctor's visit expense and, if not treated, her mom will bite the dust and the torment of her family will be colossal. Assume further that the best way to help your companion is to undermine your annual assessments that will never be reviewed. You accept that the cash won't influence the IRS significantly in light of the fact that the administration squanders billions of dollars at any rate. You don't tell your companion how you got the cash with the goal that her and her family can encounter huge joy. In choosing whether or not to undermine your personal expenses, an utilitarian must assess the two sides of the general government assistance of the individuals influenced by this activity and the outcomes of the activity taken. For this situation, the individuals influenced would be (on one side) your companion, her mom, her family, and yourself, additionally (on the opposite side) the US government. The subsequent stage taken by Utilitarians is measure the delight and torment which would be brought about by undermining your annual expenses. The results that can moderately be determined, on your companion, if the move isn't made can be: 1)the mother will have torment and bite the dust 2)your companion and her family will endure tremendous torment 3)you will endure close by your companion. Also, the joy would be the inverse. Then again, the ramifications for the legislature, in your eyes, will be negligible since you won't be reviewed: 1) they will be absent to the way that they ought to have gotten $1000 increasingly 2) the administration as a rule squanders billions of dollars. In any case, the genuine results of undermining your expenses can be said to: 1) overstep the law of paying your duties completely 2) bring you torment in the event that you are gotten 3)effect the financial plan of a specific program that your cash would have gone to. For this situation, from the eyes of the individual undermining the annual expenses, the more prominent agony is deny their companion of the cash right now. Be that as it may, as indicated by Mill, utilitarianism must be subjectively gauged. This requires for one to consider, the measure of torment and joy, yet in addition the nature of each torment and delight. Factory states, According to the Greatest Happiness Principle, a definitive end, is a presence absolved quite far from torment, and as rich as conceivable in satisfactions, both in purpose of value and amount. An imperfection in utilitarianism, is that nothing is truly supposed to be supreme. Each situation is comparative with every individual. What one individual may consider to be ethically right and only and of good quality, may not be the equivalent for another. Factory recommends that to recognize various agonies and joys an individual who has encountered the two sides of joy and agony ought to have the option to quantify and pick which result finishes up in more bliss. In this specific case, numerous things can come about because of undermining your duties. For instance, the $1000 that you retained from the legislature could have gone to help a school in a poor network, in this manner making torment the school personnel that won't get the cash they merit, or the understudies who won't get fitting supplies. Another outcome can be that one less thing can be purchased to help the country in an unprofitable war, which will carry satisfaction to the individuals who restrict war. In such a case, there truly is no real way to have the option to decide the immediate consequence of what ones personal charges will profit, so it is exceptionally exhausting to gauge the nature of torment and delight in each side of the situation. With the recently given models it is no big surprise why Mill states, It is regularly avowed that utilitarianism renders men cold and unsympathising; that it cools their ethical sentiments towards people because of the way that an individual can not figure the deliberate misery of each activity. Along these lines since we don't have the opportunity to figure precisely in each occasion, Mills assumed, we appropriately permit our activities to be guided by moral guidelines more often than not, which for this situation would be the laws gone ahead by the administration. As Mill expressed we ought to have the option to depend completely on ones emotions and lead, and to oneself of having the option to depend on ones own, that the will to do right should be developed into this ongoing autonomy. Evidently expressed, on the off chance that one feels that it is ethically off-base to undermine your ta
Friday, August 21, 2020
22 of the Funniest Thanksgiving Tweets From Students
22 of the Funniest Thanksgiving Tweets From Students 22 of the Funniest Thanksgiving Tweets From Students It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. With Thanksgiving dinner just around the corner, you’re bracing yourself for dinner-table traumas and pumpkin pie related happiness. Between Trump’s Russia ties, #MeToo and what to include in your Turkey stuffing, the country’s not short of divisive topics likely to start a family quarrel, but whatever you eventually take up arms about, some things just never change… 1.You’ve basically already written off the week… Technically break doesn’t start until Wednesday but my mind’s already in shut down mode #college #thanksgivingweek Laurkey turkey (@slaurenfriend) November 20, 2017 2. Despite the mounting pile of assignments... When its the day before Thanksgiving break and your teacher still gives class work THOTsgiving AJ (@AYE__JAY14) November 25, 2015 3. And crushing realities of uni life. One exam stands between me and thanksgiving break and I honestly don’t know if I can make it Emily Weema (@Emily_weema8) November 21, 2017 4. You’re looking forward to spending some time with your family... Cant make it home on Thanksgiving? Simulate the experience by passive aggressively asking yourself about your career and why youre single. Ronan Farrow (@RonanFarrow) November 26, 2015 5. And putting your feet up. When youre trying to enjoy Thanksgiving but you remember the swirling vortex of homework you have due at the end of break Brendan (@BrendanW73) November 24, 2016 6. You’re bracing yourself to feel the heat of interrogations about college... Family during Thanksgiving: How are your grades?Me: Addison Skaggs (@addisonskaggs) November 21, 2017 7. And fight tooth and nail over turkey stuffing… PLEASE remember not to ruin everyones Thanksgiving by being a dick and putting raisins or fruit in your stuffing Ike Barinholtz (@ikebarinholtz) November 26, 2014 8. Or ham. Thanksgiving Ham Thanksgiving Turkey Babiï Brodiï (@96Livin_) November 21, 2017 9. Thanksgiving is a time to break bread and be thankful for what you have... how are your grades? do you know what college youre going to yet? when are you taking the SATs? #ThanksgivingWeek Briana Kozlowski (@brianakozlowski) November 21, 2016 10. And have your dreams get trampled on by relatives. Im not visiting my family this Thanksgiving, so Im replicating the experience by reading YouTube comments instead. Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) November 25, 2015 11. Someone’s feelings will get hurt. Uncle: You need to raise that GPA... Me: You need to raise your kids #ThanksgivingClapBack DeMarko Gage (@DeMarko_Gage) November 25, 2015 12. You’ll duck for cover when running into long lost high school friends… actual footage of me trying to avoid all the people from high school Ive seen since Ive been back for break meghan (@meghan_skinner) November 25, 2016 13. Or your weird uncle who, like all weird uncles nationwide, will get hammered. Nothing says Thanksgiving like my drunk Uncle Frank playing Wii bowling by himself Isabel (@isabelbanks_) November 27, 2014 14. The Thanksgiving tradition of ostracising vegetarian relatives is finally upon us… Relatives: Happy Thanksgiving! Great to see you!Me: You too! I brought a tofurkey.Relatives: You have brought great shame upon this family. John Lyon (@JohnLyonTweets) November 21, 2017 15. And you can’t wait to tuck in. thanksgiving night when you try to lift the foil up off tha cake and you hear “WHO IN DAT KITCHEN† erin (@erincuhhh) November 21, 2017 16. Expandable waistbands are key... Reminder: Not wearing sweatpants during #thanksgivingweek is bad luck. Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) November 20, 2017 17. As you prepare to plunge into a food coma. When somebody call you out aint that your 3rd plate #ThanksgivingWithBlackFamilies J.B. (@JustJameis) November 24, 2015 18. You’ve been starving for months... College students showing up to Thanksgiving dinner next week like College Humor (@_CollegeHumor_) November 25, 2015 19. So you’ll be having fourths of everything... Thanksgiving is the Kickstarter for love handles. Eden Dranger (@Eden_Eats) November 26, 2015 20. And getting extremely fat. When your family thinks Thanksgiving dinner is over, but you head back for fourths. Greg Miller (@GameOverGreggy) November 26, 2015 21. Fortunately, Thanksgiving dinner is never over. Even when you think it is, it isn’t. When you full asf at thanksgiving dinner and ya grandma puts more food on your plate scumcity ceo (@scumcityceo) November 27, 2014 22. Because Christmas is next up… I refuse to acknowledge Christmas in any way shape or form until Thanksgiving is over Ben Heeney (@henbeeney) November 21, 2017 Related categories:
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Ethical Case Of The Doctor - 1835 Words
A doctor chose to tell her patient, Sarah who was suffering from multiple myeloma part of the information that he thought was welcoming to the patient. The doctor told the patient that 50% of the patients treated of this illness can survive while the other 50% die within 2 or 3years of ailment. However, he did not disclose to Sarah that 10% percent of the survivors are likely to be exposed to leukemia in the next 20 years, a condition that is resistant to treatment. The doctor has fears that he might alarm her chances for taking treatment and hence limit her chances for future survival. Even though the research is not conclusive on the possibilities of attracting leukemia after 20 years, he thinks it is not morally right to disclose the risks to the patients. Therefore, the doctor is faced with ethical issues of autonomy, honesty, disclosure, good virtue, integrity, moral responsibility and practical wisdom. This is the ethical case that I will discuss and analyze in this essay. Introduction The ethical issue presented here is a real case on ethical study that most of the medical professionals face during their work .It is an ideal case that characterizes the present day society given that the doctors have to make a decision regarding the available options. The fact that the patient, Sarah, has a deadly disease and any wrong decision will complicate her situation, the decision will be made based on the information that the doctor will provide her. Therefore, the doctor hasShow MoreRelatedReverend Jim Voluntarily Came Into The Emergency Room With1434 Words  | 6 Pagesbleed that may have cost him his life. In this paper I will explain through ethical theories why the doctor’s paternal intervention of Jim was not justified even if it saved Jim’s life. This will be explained through ethical theories of justification. Counterpoints in favor of the ethics of Jim’s restraint will also be discussed. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Descriptive Essay - My Canoe Trip - 1471 Words
My Canoe Trip Make sure to bring your safety jacket just in case you fall out of the canoe and land in the water while you re paddling yelled my mom from downstairs. Okay fine, but I m not wearing it unless I actually fall out of that weird shaped boat! I said as I was coming downstairs into the living room. There was 3 canoes leaning against the wall while my step-dad and mom carry the 4th canoe outside to the car. My brother was sitting on the couch listening to music on his iPod with earbuds, my little sister was sitting on the floor dancing because she needs to go pee and coloring to try to take her mind off of peeing. Nina come here, look I colored a dinosaur pink. RAWWW! My little sister says as she shows me. It s okay Aly I can see it from here and it s very....pretty, I say as I walk over to the couch and sit down next to my brother. I text my friend Sadie, telling her what I m about to do today, that s when I hear something like a piece of paper being ripped in half. NOOOOO! Screamed my l ittle sister as she looks at the torn page with tears in her eyes. I sigh and get off of the couch, walking towards the two pieces of paper, Now what happened Aly? I say while rolling my eyes a little bit. She starts to sob,My pink dinosaur, it s dead, I ripped the paper and it s dead now. Did you rip the paper on accident? She nods, and begins to wipe off the tears in her eyes. Then it wasn t your fault, now stop crying. I walk back to the couch andShow MoreRelatedEnglish Thesis2890 Words  | 12 Pagesresearch will beneficial to the following: 1. To the tourism industry – This will help the tourism industry promote the Boracay Beach Resort’s tourism. 2. To the local tourists – This will serve as a guide to the local tourists that plan to have a trip to Boracay Beach Resort. 3. To the foreign tourists – This study will serve as an inducement for them to visit and stay in Boracay Beach Resort. Scope and Limitation of the Study: This study about Boracay Beach Resorts focuses in the attribute ofRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagessuch as the names of fishes, which were not in the first edition. Other words were added or revised from other sources, but in order to keep the size within manageable limits not all possible sources have been exploited. I am particularly grateful to my reviewers, who pointed out some of the glaring errors; I hope they will find this edition at least slightly less faulty. I am very grateful to Dr (now Professor) E.N. Emenanjá » , Mr (now Dr) P.A. Anagbogu, and to Miss Helen Joe Okeke and Miss Ifeoma Okoye
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe - 1752 Words
The book â€Å"Things Fall Apart†by Chinua Achebe takes place in Nigeria during the 19th century. This is during the pre European imperial era. In this era the Igbo culture has a very straight forward structure of society, man is afraid of failure, and shame brought to his family. Ever man is trying to take the top position in the clan, working day and night to feed and take care of their family. Our main character, Okonkwo, has been dominated by â€Å"the fear of failure and of weakness†throughout his entire life, predominantly to blame by his father, Unoka. Unoka, throughout his entire life was considered as a coward, spending most of his days in idleness, never proving his manhood. Unoka was looked down upon by his fellow tribes men. He always†¦show more content†¦Okonkwo wonders if their is going to be a war with a neighboring clan. War does not frighten Okonkwo, he has proven his bravery in battle many times, having captured numerous human heads. Okonkwo is not afraid of death or war unlike his father: â€Å"He was a man of action, a man of war. Unlike his father he could stand the look of blood†(Achebe 10). Okonkwo has already brought home five heads from previous battles and he was still a young man. Already we know Okonkwo is a man of action, who is not afraid to get bloody on the battle field. He is even described by many of his tribes man to be the greatest warrior alive. Okonkwro rejects the ways of his father. His father possessed nothing and was know to be lazy. So, Okonkwo establishes his goal of becoming a revered member of society, possessing many titles, and achieving any sorts of predominance in the community. Perhaps down in his heart Okonkwo was not a cruel man. But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and weakness. It was deeper and more intimate than the fear of evil and capricious gods and of magic, the fear of the forest, and of the forces of nature, malevolent, red in tooth claw. Okonkwo’s fear was greater than these. It was not external but lay deep within himself. It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father. (Achebe 13) There is a larger fear inside Okonkwo, not of the things that could get
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Change Management for Concepts - Norms and Practices- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theChange Management for Concepts, Norms and Practices. Answer: Change management is the process of transitioning of staff in an organization to move from one state to another state. The next state is usually the desired state of the team. For an organization to meet its set goals and achieve its objectives it has to go through the process of change management. Organization change can be within a department, companywide or the people who are involved. Change management tool used by Apache include project plan and culture mapping. Every organization has its way of operation. It implies that every team has its unique way of establishing concepts, norms, and practices. Most of the paradigms, that majority of the organization have adopted. Comprises an employee to be rewarded it should be based on the good performance of the employee or decision made by senior management should never be should be fully aware of the organizational culture they are managing to ensure their practice are always appropriate. Apache was mindful of the Transfer to undertaking (Protection of Employment) legislation provides a legally binding guarantee that employee' contractual terms and conditions remain intact when they move to a new employer during a change in ownership(Czerniawska May 2004).It was a requirement by the new employers to uphold employment terms comprising of remuneration strenuously allowance, leave entitlements, merger recognition, and epochs. Apache used project plan as another tool for change management. Devising a vibrant project plan is essential to allow any business keep track. This acts as a guide for business to know its flexibility and boundaries that it should not cross. Times change management will entail specific workforce working in numerous department to adopt new changes immediately. It is the role of the Human Resource to device a strategy on how the changes proposed will be implemented with minimum resistance. Apache while it was trying to locate a complicated industrial process in the North Sea, it faced a lot of challenges such as technical problems. Upon assessing its challenges and project plan, it had to absorb Forties oilfield. Merits for the change management tool. Project plan tool of management presented an opportunity alongside additional responsibility. The acquisition of the forties offered a lot of opportunities to Apache such as cost reduction. There could be exploitation of company expertise to squeeze long-term value from Forties devoid of compromisation of peoples compensation and safety of people involved .culture mapping management tool presents an opportunity of less resistance within the workforce in the organization. When the workforce is willing to accept change in the management, this helps the organization in reduction of recruiting and training cost. Upon understanding the culture of the team and do change implementation, the group will stay ahead in the competition hence product will in return yield higher profits. Culture will enable the management know which method to adapt to implement change that will make employees embrace change gladly and move forward. The change manager should ensure that the employees stay motivated and product during the new change period. The organization should assess the productivity before and after implementation of new change to a certain if the change management process has been successful or not. References Czerniawska, F., May, P. (2004). Management Consulting in Practice. London: Kogan Page. Employee Roles In Initiating Successful Change Management | Prosci. (2017). Retrieved 19 October 2017, from (2017),from Todnem, R. (2005). Organisational change management. A Critical Review. Journal Of Change Management, 5(4), 369-380.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Charlemagne Essays - Early Middle Ages, Merovingian Dynasty
Charlemagne Charlemagne 1. The Merovingian Family The Merovingian family, from which the Franks used to choose their kings, is commonly said to have lasted until the time of Childeric [III, 743-752] who was deposed, shaved, and thrust into the cloister by command of the Roman Pontiff Stephen [II (or III) 752-757]. But although, to all outward appearance, it ended with him, it had long since been devoid of vital strength, and conspicuous only from bearing the empty epithet Royal; the real power and authority in the kingdom lay in the hands of the chief officer of the court, the so-called Mayor of the Palace, and he was at the head of affairs. There was nothing left the King to do but to be content with his name of King, his flowing hair, and long beard, to sit on his throne and play the ruler, to give ear to the ambassadors that came from all quarters, and to dismiss them, as if on his own responsibility, in words that were, in fact, suggested to him, or even imposed upon him. He had nothing that he could call his own beyond this vai n title of King and the precarious support allowed by the Mayor of the Palace in his discretion, except a single country seat, that brought him but a very small income. There was a dwelling house upon this, and a small number of servants attached to it, sufficient to perform the necessary offices. When he had to go abroad, he used to ride in a cart, drawn by a yoke of oxen driven, peasant-fashion, by a Ploughman; he rode in this way to the palace and to the general assembly of the people, that met once a year for the welfare of the kingdom, and he returned him in like manner. The Mayor of the Palace took charge of the government and of everything that had to be planned or executed at home or abroad. 2. Charlemagne's Ancestors At the time of Childeric's deposition, Pepin, the father of King Charles, held this office of Mayor of the Palace, one might almost say, by hereditary right; for Pepin's father, Charles [Martel 715-41], had received it at the hands of his father, Pepin, and filled it with distinction. It was this Charles that crushed the tyrants who claimed to rule the whole Frank land as their own, and that utterly routed the Saracens, when they attempted the conquest of Gaul, in - -two great battles-one in Aquitania, near the town of Poitiers , and the other on the River Berre, near Narbonne-and compelled them to return to Spain. This honor was usually conferred by the people only upon men eminent from their illustrious birth and ample wealth. For some years, ostensibly under King the father of King Charles, Childeric, Pepin, shared the duties inherited from his father and grandfather most amicably with his brother, Carloman. The latter, then, for reasons unknown, renounced the heavy cares of an ea rthly crown and retired to Rome [747]. Here he exchanged his worldly garb for a cowl, and built a monastery on Mt. Oreste, near the Church of St. Sylvester, where he enjoyed for several years the seclusion that he desired, in company with certain others who had the same object in view. But so many distinguished Franks made the pilgrimage to Rome to fulfill their vows, and insisted upon paying their respects to him, as their former lord, on the way, that the repose which he so much loved was broken by these frequent visits, and he was driven to change his abode. Accordingly when he found that his plans were frustrated by his many visitors, he abandoned the mountain, and withdrew to the Monastery of St. Benedict, on Monte Cassino, in the province of Samnium [in 754], and passed the rest there in the exercise of religion. 3. Charlemagne's Accession Pepin, however, was raised by decree of the Roman pontiff, from the rank of Mayor of the Palace to that of King, and ruled alone over the Franks for fifteen years or more [752-768]. He died of dropsy [Sept. 24, 768] in Paris at the close of the Aquitanian War, which he had waged with William, Duke of Aquitania, for nine successive
Monday, March 9, 2020
The aboriton controversy essays
The aboriton controversy essays For centuries, abortion has been a heated topic among all peoples. Ever since abortions have been performed in the United States, they have been protested and debated by many. Both sides of the issue have been sharply disputed to no avail. One of the most famous abortion cases is that of Roe vs. Wade. It was the very case that made abortion laws what they are today. In 1973, abortion was legalized under the constitutional right to privacy (Sproul 77). Ever since then abortion has been in and out of the courts, and I don't see that stopping anytime soon. In fact, after the Supreme Court made its decision in 1973, the number of abortions rose quite evidently ( However, since 1989, the number of abortions in the United States has been declining. This is most likely attributed to both practical and political factors, including changing attitudes and better methods of birth control. While abortions are now legal in the U.S., this now presents the question widely asked: Are abortions the right thing to do? Everyone has his or her own answer to this question. Each individual carries his or her views on the topic, most being either pro-life or pro-choice. There are even strong anti-abortion groups that act out in violent manners. We hear of countless abortion clinic bombings and murders of doctors who perform this procedure. Although it is not extremely common, there are 209 incidents on record in the U.S. since 1984 (Cameron 17). This, in my eyes defeats the whole purpose of being pro-life. If someone is so concerned about the welfare of an unborn child, killing a doctor or even the mother carrying the child is doubly wrong. In fact, nearly half the women in the United States will have an abortion during her reproductive years. Seventy percent of these women intend to have children sometime in the future. Among those having abortions, three quarters of them ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Empowerment in Health promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Empowerment in Health promotion - Essay Example The paper tells that the empowerment of these users also involves seeking information and learning that can be applied to their own health conditions and allow them to become actively involved in making decisions for treatment. Because empowerment has been associated with the promotion of equality with regards to health as well as decisions that can affect health, attempts in allowing patients to exercise power cannot be avoided in most cases. Empowerment allows patients to identify their own health concerns and determine possible solutions to these; therefore, avoiding these occurrences may not be possible as patients will always assert their rights and capabilities for meeting their needs, solving their problems, and utilizing all available resources for them to have control over their lives. The role of nurses has always been associated with patient empowerment with which nurses have always been expected to have a shared responsibility with their patients. Over the years, patients were expected to strictly comply with the directives of health care professionals; moreover, when a treatment plan does not succeed, most often, it is the patient’s fault for such occurrence. Manipulation and persuasion were also common strategies to communicate with patients and enable them to manage their conditions. Because these strategies have not been viewed as effective or reliable, particularly for those who have chronic diseases, the promotion of current models of patient empowerment cannot be avoided.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The purpose and effectiveness of police patrol Term Paper
The purpose and effectiveness of police patrol - Term Paper Example Ingram, as well as â€Å"Measuring Crime: Police Statistics and Victimisation Surveys,†by Philippe Robert, Renee Zauberman, Marie-Lys Pottier, and Hugues Lagrange. Both were located in online library journals. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the purpose and effectiveness of police patrol. This article discusses certain types of behaviors that police officers have been noted to exhibit throughout many different studies. This particular article differs from others of its type in that it focuses on place. This means that the author of this particular author was curious about how location affected the behavior of officers. In this context, behavior can be defined as what the officer chose to do when observing a citizen breaking the law, from issuing a citation all the way up to making a formal arrest (Ingram 2007) This article goes far beyond previous studies that covered the influence of merely situational types of factors on the behavior of police officers. Rather, this article claims that an overall more contextualized framework is now needed in order to study law enforcement tasks. â€Å"Using multilevel and spatial modeling procedures, the current study examined the role that both immediate and surrounding neighborhood characteristics played on citation issuance within a large, metropolitan department. Findings indicated that neighborhood structural characteristics were significantly related to the number of citations written during traffic encounters, independent of situational factors†(Ingram, 2007, pg. 371). This article takes a look at numbers and trends related to police statistics and victimization. According to the authors, â€Å"A conflict may now be arising between citizens and the State around the issue of crime. There clearly seems to be a yawning gap between the actions taken by the authorities and the expectations of citizens. Personal safety and the protection of property
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Is Globalization A Cause For Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay
Is Globalization A Cause For Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay Our world is shrinking gradually from last couple of centuries due to globalization which is defined, as per my understanding, as a type of relationship or rapport build amongst the different countries due to exchange of goods and other technologies. Both developing and the developed countries have been satisfying their needs in terms of globalization. But this increasing pattern of globalization has also put forth consequent effects on our ecosystem. Countries become more industrialized and increased the production of their goods in order to overcome to demand. These industries in turn emitted various green house gases, which acted as a major contributor in the climate change. It is been assumed that this change in climate is due to human activities, hence alerted everyone and made it a global issue. The even composition of the atmosphere is altering due to the emission of tones of GHG (green house gases) through various activities like production, transportation, agriculture and consumer practices. Our atmosphere is gradually warming due to the accumulation of these gases. The impact of this climatic change can cause increase in drought conditions, floods are taking place frequently, also rising sea-levels and extreme temperatures are experienced. Globalization and environment are intriguely interconnected. Apart from the consequent effect of globalization onto the climate, it also has some positive impact. In order to develop the awareness of this global treat, industrialized countries should limit their GHG emission level. Governments, industries and individuals in industries nations have collectively begun continual steps of actions to reduce the emission of green house gases. But still it has to be quantified that this dramatic change in climate and increase in the rate of global warming is due to globalization that is transportation of goods around the world and the trade agreement such as Multilateral Agreement on Investment has restricted the capacity of countries to widen the environmental regulations. STANDPOINT PROPOSITION: In my opinion, all the countries are linking with each other for the further exploitation of the resources and that is what I think makes this globalization to acquire its standing at the very first place. Resources are limited and are restricted to country specific, for an instance Asian countries are rich in human resources where as countries like South Africa, Australia, New Zealand are rich in mineral resources. So as a whole, countries do complement each other globally. As mentioned above that there is limited resources so it would be wise to use these resources intelligently within the balance of the nature and environment, as over exploitation of resources may cause to extinction of the resources for further use, which can be seen with the oil resources. Therefore proper balance of globalization and environment is required. Due to lack of knowledge of environmental issues and its impact on climate due to various reasons like increase in greenhouse gas emissions, clearing of the forest lands, loss of agricultural lands etc are affecting the climate globally in one way or other. Eventually globalization and its effects on climate have gained priority and consideration is given to spread the awareness and the knowledge considering the environmental issues also. Government and non-government institutions and bodies are participating actively to regulate the factors affecting it. In my opinion concern about the climate is for real and steps has to be taken to apply these regulations to keep a check for a healthy living within the reasonable limits and causing minimum damage to the environment. ANNOTATION 1 Journal of World-System Research: Globalization and the Environment This paper mentions about the impact of globalization to the environment, also it explains the factors affecting the climate change. It can be understood that major constituent of the greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide and it is believed that carbon dioxide is altering the global climate. Therefore this article explains the applied world-system theory to environmental damage. Hence it is an interesting fact that carbon dioxide intensity released in the environment is the measurement of the economic output. As stated above there is a strong correlation between the total economic outputs of any nation to their carbon dioxide emission. As it has been understood that the developed countries pollute more as compared to developing countries and under developed countries whose contribution to polluting the environment and adding the amount of carbon dioxide to the environment is insignificant. This also concludes that the economic growth and energy consumptions are also directly related. The more energy you consumed the more resources it requires to generate the energy to meet the ever increasing needs and hence adding more pollution to the environment in the form of various dangerous, poisonous gases, and other pollutants getting released directly into the environment. So developed countries and developing countries are contributing majorly to this shift in climate. These deviations from general trend shows that the generation of these greenhouse gases is not solely from technologies but the human intentions also plays an important part. Moreover companies are much more interested in producing wealth at the cost of the environment. Harming the environment means causing climate change and also compromising with the safer and better habitat that environment is providing us. The globalization acts as a fuel to speed up this process of exploiting the environment. Though government is becoming concerned and enforcing laws to take control of this over exploitation of the resources and release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, as now the direct impacts of this negligence can be seen even though these impacts took decades to appear but now it is appearing at the rapid rate and causing everyone to draw their attention. It took 30,000 40,000 years to raise the temperature of the atmosphere to few degrees but now because of the globalization and industrialization temperature has risen to couple of degrees in last few decades. Exploitation of the natural resources has led to the depletion in the natural resources. Climate has changed now natural disaster occurs more often which used to occur rarely including cyclones, hurricanes, and earthquakes. The paper also concludes that globalization is an inevitable function therefore it has to be accepted that is will have both the faces that both good and bad. So now it is not only governments responsibility to keep a check on the issues that are going on along with the globalization which in turn affecting the environment but also it is the responsibility of each and every individual to check upon their own actions which further adds to the polluting the atmosphere and the environment and hence choosing the path of worsening the climate conditions as well as causing harm to their own life in a long run. Though it is also necessary for the government to keep an eye on the companies and corporations who are trying to either break the law or trying to bend it for their own benefits without giving any considerations to the fact that how adverse effects it might bring to the environment and on the society. ANNOTATION 2 Double exposure: assessing the impacts of climate change within the context of economic globalization. The paper discuss about the two global processes, climate change and globalization. It explains that the major cause of climate change is because of the greenhouse gas emissions and the rapid change in climate is the result of the on-going process of economic globalization. According to it TNCs are major contributors of greenhouse gas emissions globally. It segregated the results into winners and losers and stated that winners will be those countries, regions or social groups, which will be benefited by the change in climate and or globalization and losers will be those who will be adversely affected by it. However a win refers to the improvement in the economics performance, measured by gross domestic product (GDP) and foreign direct investment (FDI). While discussing about the wins and loss, a message could be clearly understood this indicates that the process of GHG will continue and will keep on worsening the condition until some serious measures are adopted to control such activities which are unleashed. The change in climate reveals the fact that sooner or later everyone is going to be affected. There will be areas which will be face the cooler temperature under the global warming but there will be other areas which receive the extreme rise in temperature. It explains that climate change, environment and greenhouse gases are interconnected. The topic discussed in this article was quite interesting and supportive to make me realize that how globalization is co-related to global inequality and how the climate change makes the situation worse. The paper explains that how people from developed countries contribute more towards the greenhouse emission as compared to underdeveloped countries. It explains that the major pollutant in the greenhouse gases is the carbon-di-oxide, which gets trapped in the environment and in turn absorbs the heat from the sunlight and prevents it from escaping the environment, though previously it used to occur naturally and comparatively it was low. But now it happens because of the industrialization and also because of other globalization factors and is comparatively way too high as anticipated. As the climate change is taken into account both the biophysical and social vulnerabilities are considered. Though this globalization is not equally distributed but affect it is casting will have impact on everyone. Globalization has its positive effects but along comes it negativities. Both globalization and climate changes can be co-related as both of it are happening simultaneously. Since natural ecosystem is considered susceptible to climate change may also be affected by the globalization. Since it is not possible to stop or pause the ongoing development and since global economy and climate change are inter related therefore there is an urgent need for implication of development strategies along with the policies to make the development sustainable also by abiding the regulations, which might bring the win-win situation for everyone. ANNOTATION 3 Fueling Injustice: Globalization, Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Climate change This annotation provides the fact that the globalization is causing unequal contribution of GHGs emission from various part of the planets but all of them are suffering from equal dramatic change of climate even though they have very less or no contribution at all. It is also been observed from the previous annotations that the main cause of the environmental pollution and that of the climate change is from the emissions of the greenhouse gases which is mainly constituted from the developed and developing countries. But the question arises that who is really most responsible for the occurrence of this problem and who is really going to address these problems and whether people responsible for the occurrence for this climate change issue are really suffering or is it the people who have no contribution to it are dealing with problems caused by the others. The paper also reveals a new and relatively under-utilized theory of ecologically unequal exchange and therefore applies it to the case of globalization and climate change. It explains the four unique principles that have been projected to consign accountability for carbon emissions. It also suggests combining hybrid proposals with environmental aid packages that help poorer nations shift from carbon-intensive pathways of development to more climate-friendly development paths. In the context of deadlock over a completely inadequate Kyoto Protocol, it also argue that fairness principles, climate science, and an understanding of globalization and development must be integrated. It also explains that climate change crisis caused by the globalization fundamentally depends upon the mutual acceptability and understanding that what deed is right and what is wrong, what actions are causing damage to the environment, which is completely irreversible and which way they are closing the doors for the next generation to use the similar resources. But it seems incorrect to stop countries from developing when they think that they are entitled to go for the cheap economic growth using the fossil fuel and other natural resources when the other developed and wealthy nations have done the same. Stopping them from opting such path would result in the argument of injustice when the other developed countries have done the same at their own early stage of development. Therefore the paper explains that how complicated the matter of globalization and its effect on climate has become. Someone has to take the initiative but the question arises who? No nation would like to compromise their development and no other nation has the right to stop any other nation from progressing. Therefore it then falls into the hands of the government to make some policies ruling the causes for excessive emissions of GHGs and other factors affecting the environment. As it does not seems reasonable to put the natural resources and nature at stake for the sake of development. So it becomes important to make corporations understand about their social responsibilities and as how they could minimize the factors affecting the environment. The paper suggests the implication of the hybrid proposals which sounds to be most promising and in favour of everyone. It also suggest that constructive partnership between the developing countries over the various issues can create a better understanding and sense of responsibility for their actions for development. Moreover it will make the situation better for both the nations as well as for the natural environment. ANNOTATION 4 Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Organisms and Ecosystems As discussed in the above annotation the effect of globalization on the environment is having adverse effect on the atmosphere and hence causing climate change. The earths climate has begins to shift into a hotter and less predictable period. This is also causing the rising level of water in the oceans but it is more important to notice the fact that globalization is not only polluting the atmospheric air but also the other resources. Human activities are pouring tones of carbon to the atmosphere. It is the direct consequences of the cumulative post-industrial emissions. This paper also reveals the fact that due to globalization we have now pollutants getting released to the ocean water which in turn resulting in the acidifying ocean. It is know that atmospheric cycle causes the rainfall which is the result of evaporated ocean water but with the acidified water now acid rain is taking place moreover depleting nutrient loads and altered ocean circulation. Scarcity of fresh water is increasing and which can be readily be seen globally. These constituents are adversely affecting the entire ecosystem. Although these effects cant be seen directly but results have started appearing. Lands are turning into barren lands, ground water levels are dropping, increased pollution level decreasing the productivity, extensive use of fertilizers and chemicals to increase the production level raising the alarm for food securities. The figure 1 explains the rise in temperature of the marine surface and it can be clearly noticed from the figure that last couple of decad es there is a abrupt change in the surface temperature due to the intense globalization activities. Figure1. Annual and smoothed combined global land and marine surface temperature anomaly ( Figure2. Ocean surface pH calculated from CO2[atm]. The figure 2 above shows that how the acidic level of the ocean water is rising from 1960 to year 2000 there is a steep decline in the pH level. The paper explains that there is a direct relationship between carbon dioxide and ocean pH, as the carbon dioxide level increases, pH drops increasing the acidic nature of water. It also explains that over past 200 years, the ocean have absorbed almost half of the anthropogenically-generated CO2, but the current rate is nearly 1 million tones of CO2 per hours which is makes it 100 times as rapid as at any time over the past hundreds of millennium. Considering the present situation it could be understood that how globalization is not only affecting the atmosphere but also responsible for the pollution of the ocean and other water resources and thus affecting the marine organism and ecosystem. This is again directly related to the environmental hazards and affects the climate in one way or other. Hence explains that immediate reduction in the CO2 emission is essential for minimizing the future human provoked climate change. And this would further require the policy makers to draw their attention towards the factors mentioned and to come up with a response plan for the safety of the environment. ANNOTATION 5 Globalization and Climate Change The paper provides many environmental impacts of economic globalization: TNCs moving their operations to the other developing countries so as to cut the cost as well as to avoid the implications of the stricter environmental regulations of their own country where they were having their operations. The issue of climate change with the globalization is one that is predominantly interesting because it comprises various ecological, social, economic, political and ethical aspects. Now considering the fact that climate change is an issue recognized globally. The atmospheric composition surrounding the planet is varying, which is the result of the emissions of tones of polluting gases (greenhouse gases) GHGs which is again the output from the industries, agriculture, transportations and also the consumer practices. With the increase in the volume and the intensity of the gases, the climate is changing resulting in the gradual increase in the temperature and hence warming up of the planet. The planet as a whole will be affected by the climatic changes and consequences, which are predicted example severe droughts and frequent floods, rising sea-levels, extreme and harsh temperatures, depletion of the ozone layers, radiation effects etc. Issues have been raised after the awareness of the consequences not only locally but also globally as every individual is responsible for their part of contribution in polluting the environment. The countries around the world are willing to cooperate in the negotiation of treaties, so that this global problem could be addressed. Intensive discussions over an 18-month period before the 1992 Rio Earth Summit led to the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Negotiations continued subsequently for the further development of agreement so that there could be more specific reduction in the GHG emission could be targeted for industrialised developed and developing countries. Since it has been understood that change in climate change is a global problem and people are also responsible for it. Also the industrialized nations, represents less than 20% of the worlds population, but they do account for nearly 90% of annual greenhouse gas emissions over the last century, and mostly through the burning of fossil fuels. So when the UN Climate Change Convention at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 was signed, the industrialized countries dedicated themselves not only reduce their emission levels but also to reach the efficiency levels though which they could generate more output with the same about of resources and emitting considerably less amount of GHGs. Due to globalization and increase in demand in import and export the emission levels from industrialized countries are rising rapidly as they pursue economic development to meet the fundamental needs of their community. This globalization points to one of the vital ethical scope of the climate change issue in the perspective of the global community. It is of great importance that now we must make a division among the emission for luxury that is for the fulfillment of the leisure activities and emission for the survival that is for the fulfillment of the basic day to day necessities. As there is a great difference between the lifestyles of the people in industrialized countries from the people living in the third world countries. Thus people living in the industrialized countries are responsible for disturbing the atmospheric balance and intimidating the world with main climatic disturbances. Therefore I believe that most of the solutions to these globalization problems lie at the lev el of local, regional, national and international decision-making. In developed and developing industrialized countries, there is a wide scope for the improvements as steps could be taken to increase awareness for the conservation and energy efficiency hence significantly reducing the amount of GHGs which is resulted from the use of the fossil fuels. Advanced technologies do exists and because of the globalization these technologies could be exported to the other developing countries, which do not posses such technologies for the efficient use of electricity with increased efficiency, automobiles and for other technological developments. Also renewable energy sources are gaining popularity which does not affect the damage the environment and hence does not contribute to climate change; instead it is one of the outcomes of the globalization which is making it more economically viable. The paper also concludes that this kind of efficiency revolution is not only necessary but also needed as the part of the sustainability and the long-term solution but it will not be sufficient. Within industrialized societies, it is also needed to realize that what would be adequate for a healthy and quality of life. I have realized that there is a growing awareness and that an ever ever-increasing level of material utilization is not adding to an enhanced value of life anymore. Governments, corporations, industries, societies, families and individuals in industrialized countries would have to make mindful choices to move in the right directions to achieve greater efficiency and quality and also acceptance of limits of sufficiency which would surely result in considerable reductions in energy use and hence lower greenhouse gas emission levels ultimately result in preserving the environment and preventing dramatic changes in the climate. ESSAY Climate and the variation in climate have direct effect of the environment which in turn influences the human life and their life style accordingly. The way we live is directly related to the environment we are living in and which is again directly related to the climate which is affecting it. Change in climate greatly change the way we live. For an instance the people living in dense rainfall area live their lives differently from the people living in area where rainfall is very scarce. Hence the way globalization affects the climate is very critical for the people who gets affected in return from the change in living conditions. Hence the picture is very clear that anything that is affecting the climate has a global effect as the climate and environment is not enjoyed by any single individual rather it is shared by everyone whether it is locally, nationally or internationally. It is been tried to elucidate the various proportions of the globalization. Globalization in simple words can be explained as the process through which economies, cultures, societies, environment, technologies, trade and politics become integrated through a global network via transportation, communication and trade. But at all time times environment plays an important part in globalizing the world into one and climate change in one of its key factors. Change in climate can have adverse effect not only in our food chain but also in our way of living life. Hence it is of critical importance to have the knowledge of factors affecting the climate and it is also important to understand that ignoring such factors will have adverse effect sooner or later. Now globalization process has become unavoidable, therefore it has to be continued for the progress and well being of the people, societies, cultures, nations and companies. But just like every other things even globalization has both its positive and negative aspects. Therefore the primary endeavor is to bring out the positivity of the globalizations and to always keep a check on its negative aspect by enforcing rules, regulations and policies wherever possible. Though with the increase in the competition it has become very difficult to regulate effects affecting the environment and climate. But everyone has to understand their social responsibilities. Everyone has to understand that exploiting the environment is not going to improve their life rather because of their actions everyone has to suffer. Hence it is very important to set an example for others by not only improving the life for everyone and taking the due responsibilities of environment and the factors affecting the chang e in climate. Globalization is also one of the major factors in the increase of the GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions. GHG emissions have risen dramatically with the industrial revolution also with the increase in the competition. It has also been noticed that developing contributes majorly to GHG emissions and also in polluting water and land. All these development is basically dependant on the natural resources available and by exploiting these resources will result in the depletion in the natural resource stocks which will in turn bring down the living standard and will increase the cost of living. Therefore care has to be taken to use these resources carefully and also taking care that no damage or least possible damage is been done to the environment which balances that nature and climate. The major concern which is affecting the environment and causing the change in climate is the increase in the considerable amount in the pollution from various different sources. Globalization has caused increased competition therefore industries are producing more and more number of products and releasing huge amount of poisonous gases. Then the transportation is next in the queue which adding more and more amount of CO2 in the environment. CO2 is one of the major components of the greenhouse gases which helps in trapping the heat from sunlight and prevents it from escaping the earths atmosphere thus raising the temperature. But before globalization emission of CO2 remained the major concern for environmentalists either as a global warming or as a global cooling. Therefore it requires new technologies which would help in minimizing the carbon emission by increasing the output of the process and making it less pollutant. The environmental damage causing climate change is the result of the constant exploitation resources, which caused irreversible changes to the environment and also due to constantly neglecting the consequences that will be brought by the environment. Climate change does not only means rising temperature but also resulting in other affects such as melting ice, change in a particular ocean current and or weather system, oxygen depletion and also accounts for the acid rain, which directly or indirectly enlightens its effect globally. Climate change is not only affects lives by causing flood, drought and severe fluctuations in the temperatures but also it has some adverse effects which affects the food supply and also cause health related issues. As climate change greatly affect the agriculture and food production associated with it across the world. Decrease in rainfall and increase in weeds, pests and pathogens results in low yielding crops is enough to create global crises in the food production. Also exposure to climate change through changing weather conditions causes changes in ecosystems, agriculture and industries, thus affecting the health of the human beings. Change in climate causes new infectious diseases, increased in the heatwave related deaths, and causing many other problems. To conclude, globalization is a mix of both good and bad effects. Even though there are negative effects attached to the globalization but at the same time its positive side and benefits from it cannot be ignored. And it should also be considered that through globalization the awareness for environmental issues, climate change and exploitation of natural resources were brought in consideration. Globalization has helped human being to receive quality education and progress. It also helped the nations to come together over the serious issues and help each other by forwarding global policies and protocols that will in turn preserve the environment and will help to revive it, which has been continuously exploited by us for decades. Globalization also helps in the invention of new technologies which will help to use our limited resources in a very efficient way. It is not possible to stop the development we are going through but it would be wise to preserve the environment and the resources and also to maximize the positivity of the globalization and regulating the negativity so that it has the lease possible impact.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Graduation Speech: Reach for What You Want :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Life is a big store, a market. Now, before you tune out, let me explain this strange analogy. You'll get what I'm saying What do people do in life? They do what they want to do. They spend life trying to get what they want. Whether that's possessions, wisdom, fame, fortune or simply survival, people everywhere right now are living life getting what they want. You're probably thinking: Hey, what about those people that spend their lives serving others or serving God? Think about it some more. Let's say that a guy wants salvation, he's going to spend his life attaining salvation. Let's say she wants to end child hunger. She'll work to end child hunger. While poverty and becoming famous are very different things, the want is not. The feeling of true want is the same for all of us no matter what it is you're wanting. It's this want that makes us human and keeps us involved in this thing called life. Now you might begin to understand why I've compared life to a market. Why do people go to the market or to the store or to the mall? It's because they want something. You want food? Go to the store and buy some. You want clothes? Buy them. You want to give a gift to someone? Find it at the mall! In the same way, life is a market. You want more knowledge? It's yours if you pay for it by studying. You want skill? It'll cost you many hours of practice. You want to graduate? That'll come out to four years of hard work, as you all have done. Now, here's some good news: tonight, our market is expanding! We're moving on to a new market, in a bigger building at a larger town with more people who want better things. Moments in our lives such as learning how to read or graduating from high school are, simply put, expansions of our market of life. But, before we "move on to the big time," we need to do something that all good merchants do: we need to take stock of what we have. I don't mean for you to go home after this and count up how many cans of food you have (not that that's not important.) I mean, reflect upon yourself and your life and take your personal inventory. Look around you. Look within you.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn: Focus on Fasd
Running Head: FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDER Pregnancy, Birth and the Newborn: Focus on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder SWHB 405: Human Behavior in the Social Environment 1 ABSTRACT From conception to birth, the mother’s role in bringing to life and nurturing a healthy baby is paramount. Factors such as the mother’s biological, psychological and social environment play important roles in determining the wellbeing of a child. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, an irreversible condition in children caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy will be discussed.Its biological, psychological and societal implications will be deliberated and recommendations of interventions by Social Workers in alleviating the problem will be suggested. Key words: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Child Development Introduction All human life begins with a fertilized egg known as a zygote. By the eighth week, the zygote is transformed into a fetus which has m ost of its organs formed. After about 9 months (or 38 weeks) of going through transformation within the mother’s womb, the mother delivers a bouncing baby boy or girl into the world.During this time it is imperative that special care and attention is given to the mother and the child that she is carrying. Prenatal care ensures that the mother receives the much needed medical attention, nutritional advice and a positive life style tips. Particular attention is given unusual physiological and medical manifestations which could signal an array of life threatening situations for the mother and unborn child. The culmination of a successful pregnancy is the birth of a baby. Newborns weigh an average between 5. 5 and 9. pounds and they are awake and alert in first hours of life. Newborns begin learning their environment immediately and one of the things they internalize is developing a connection with the mother’s voice. The six states that a baby maintains are: quiet alert, active alert, crying state, drowsiness, quiet sleep, and active sleep (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012). Babies oscillate from an awakening curious baby, peak at crying when uncomfortable, and dip through to active sleep. These changes may occur slowly or rapidly throughout the course of any given day.Consequently, knowledge about this this critical life stage, helps parents to be better equipped to cope with and nurture the newborn. Risk factors during pregnancy and at birth Various physiological changes in a pregnant mother may cause or indicate a risk for both mother and child. A case in point is bleeding in the first trimester or late in the pregnancy which could mean possible loss of the child or neurological issues. In some instances, natural toxins could build in the mother’s bodies leading to high blood pressure and weight gain which may be fatal to the mother (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012).Further, an increased weight of the mother could bring on diabetes in the child, while low we ight of the child could be a precursor to mental retardation. Biological factors that may affect the fetus’ development during pregnancy include the mother’s age, the number of children prior and how far apart she has had each child (Boyce, 2010). Environmental factors, such as living conditions, diet deficiencies, and the emotional well-being of the mother can all affect the baby during its 38 week development.Pregnant women should be mindful of substances ingested during pregnancy as these are subsequently ingested by the fetus and affect its development. This is exemplified by studies demonstrating that women who drink caffeine tend to have a lower birth rate than women who avoid caffeine (Ashford & Lecroy, 2012). Other substances that could affect fetal development by causing birth deformities, premature births and possible hyperactivity include tobacco, over the counter medications, hormones and alcohol.Prenatal care there has been shown to dramatically improve th e chances of having a healthy baby. Nevertheless, there is a possibility of certain complications during birth can have lasting repercussions on a child’s life. An example is anoxia, a deficiency of oxygen during birth that could lead to the newborn developing cerebral palsy. Alcohol’s relevance in pregnancy, birth and the newborn Alcohol is a teratogen; an agent or factor that induces or increases the incidence of abnormal prenatal development (Shiel, 2010).Consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is manifested in a continuum of disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) (Warren & Murray, in press). The most severe form of this spectrum referred to as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). An alarming statistic from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) studies shows that 0. 2 to 2 cases per 1000 babies are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Since FASD presents a broad spectrum of symptoms some of which are â€Å"less severe†, it rem ains challenging to diagnose (Fleisher, 2010). As a result, FASD among children is either misdiagnosed or remains undetected.On the other hand, it is relatively easier to identify the key diagnostic features of FAS are they are better established. FASD is prevalent worldwide because alcohol is so widely accepted and used in so many cultures. The teratogenic effects of alcohol were not established until the second half of the 20th century when pediatrician, Paul Lemoine, in France in 1967 and two American pediatric dysmorphologists, Kenneth Lyons Jones and David Smith in 1973, independently documented the pattern of deficits resulting from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (Warren & Murray, in press).Alcohol was attributed because the children in both settings had common patterns of deficits and it was observed that all of the birth mothers had been diagnosed with alcohol use disorders Biological manifestations The teratogenic effects of alcohol adversely affect the physical developmen t of the fetus and the child. Newborns and children with FAS generally exhibit stunted growth (CDC. Gov, 1983). A distinguishing feature of children with severe FASD and FAS is facial and limb dysmorphology.These children are generally shorter in stature and weigh less than their peers (Warren & Murray, in press). The cardinal or discriminating features include short palpebral fissures (eye opening), an elongated and hypoplastic philtrum (groove between nose and upper lip), and a thin upper vermillion lip border or hypoplastic â€Å"cupid’s bow†. Other features include a low nasal bridge, epicanthal folds (skin folds covering inner corner of the eye), minor ear anomalies, and micrognathia (abnormal smallness of the jaws). Psychological consequencesFacial and limb dysmorphology in children affected by FASD and FAS may cause the child is usually aware that something is â€Å"different†about him or her and thus affect their psychological wellbeing. Additionally, c hildren with FASD have cognitive challenges leading to a myriad of problems such as the following: memory loss, impaired motor skills, neurosensory hearing loss, impaired visual and spatial skills, intellectual impairment, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, problems with reasoning and judgment and an inability to appreciate consequences of actions (Wacha & Obrzut, 2007).Treatment and schooling can be very difficult for a child facing these challenges since their greatest challenge is learning and retaining information. Subsequently, the child may experience depression which can result in self-destructive behavior such as substance abuse, inappropriate sexual behavior, and suicide Societal implications Families are affected immensely when a child is born with FASD/FAS since he/she may exhibit anti-social behavior including an exaggerated startle response, poor wake and sleep patterns, impulsiveness, temper tantrums, lying and stealing (Fleisher, 2010).Moreover, schools, local health care systems, childcare and social services, and the justice system are usually ill-equipped to address the problems presented by FASD. As a result; a person with FASD may experience mental health problems, disrupted schooling, and involvement with crime, substance abuse, and dependent living and employment difficulties throughout their lifetime. As previously stated, the broad spectrum of manifestations of FASD makes it difficult to diagnose.Consequently, individuals suffering from FASD may not be properly diagnosed and are likely to be labeled social misfits and may spend a troubled life on the margins of society thus creating a monumental emotional burden on society (Wacha & Obrzut, 2007). Interventions to aid those affected by FASD These physical, mental, social, learning and behavioral limitations experienced by individuals with FASD have possible lifelong implications. Fortunately, there is help for both the individuals and their families provided by Social Service age ncies in form of resources and assistance needed to have a good quality of life.Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (1975), school aged children with disabilities (including those diagnosed with FAS) are provided with reasonable accommodations including untimed tests, sitting in front of the class, modified homework and the provision of necessary services and often the implementation of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). An IEP details services that will be provided to assist the child in learning and may include services like Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, and/or the provision of a classroom aide.These individuals often have social workers or case managers working with them to ensure that the services documented in the IEP’s are being provided and working effectively. Implications of FASD on Social Work FASD provides opportunities for Social Workers to play an important role in impacting positive change. Soc ial Workers could take the lead in screening for alcohol use among women of child-bearing age and educate them about the FASD (Boyce, 2010).Women who choose to continue drinking should be encouraged to use contraceptives to reduce the likelihood of giving birth to a child with FASD. Social Workers should also be actively involved in nutrition education to ensure that pregnant mothers are following balanced diet for optimum fetal development. Nutrition education should especially target participants of the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) as these populations’ income may limit their food choices.FASD often have significant lifelong deficits in functional life skills that can lead to problems with day to day functioning. In adulthood, these deficits can be manifested in mental health difficulties, disrupted job experiences, trouble with the law, substance abuse and difficulties with independent living. Hence Social Workers play the important role of advocating for individuals affected by FASD, helping them to navigate their immediate environment and linking them with support services (Warren & Murray, in press).Prevention of FASD is of great importance and this implies that Social Workers have the responsibility of mobilizing campaigns against drinking during pregnancy. This can be done through community education, incorporating medical personnel in research and preventive practice as well as holding alcohol producers accountable for posting health warning labels on publicity items. Conclusion Maternal alcohol use is a worldwide phenomenon that indiscriminately affects families and children of all ethnicities in all societies.Fortunately, it is possible to classify and tackle the treatment problems raised by individuals with FASD. The hope is that with continued research, education, and support from Social Service agencies, this problem can be prevented. While resources are available to help individu als and their families, it is important to know that the best treatment of FASD is prevention. It is not yet known the specific timing, frequency and quantity of alcohol use throughout the gestational period that are responsible FASD and FAS.Drinking early in the gestational period, before the woman even knows she is pregnant may present special risks for the developing embryo. Thus strategies to prevent alcohol use in pregnancy need to take into consideration that the prevalence of drinking by women of child-bearing age is on the rise in many parts of the world and most pregnancies are not planned. Bibliography CDC. Gov. (1983, January 13). Retrieved from Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Public Awareness Week: http://www. dc. gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000257. htm Ashford, J. B. , & Lecroy, C. W. (2012). Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Approach. Belmont, CA: Cole Cengage. Boyce, M. (2010, June). A Better F uture for Baby: Stemming the tide of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Journal of Family Practice, 59(6). Fleisher, S. (2010, May). Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: Raising Awareness about Alcohol in Pregnancy. British Journal of Midwifery, 18(5). Shiel, W. C. (2010, December 21). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.Retrieved from Medicinenet. com: http://www. medicinenet. com/fetal_alcohol_syndrome/article. htm Wacha, V. , & Obrzut, J. (2007, June). Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on Neuropsychological Function. Journal of Development and Physical Disabilities, 19(3). Warren, K. , & Murray, M. (in press). Alcohol and Pregnancy: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Alcohol: Science, Policy and Public Health. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ].The purpose of prenatal care is to monitor the development, health and nutritional status of both the mother and the baby during the pregnancy to ensure an uncomplicated pregnancy and the delivery of a live and healthy infant. [ 2 ]. Some pregnant women may develop gestational diabetes (or gestational diabetes mellitus, GDM), a condition in which women without previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy (especially during third trimester). [ 3 ]. Cerebral palsy is a term encompassing a group of non-progressive, non-contagious motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Social Problem Homelessness - 1065 Words
Application Social Problem Research: Homelessness Homelessness is becoming a major social issue in the United States, with many poor families and young people ending up in the street because of several reasons. This condition is leaving many people helpless in the streets and the number keep on rising on a daily basis. Cities like Detroit and New York are among the most populous with poor families and homeless people, making it important for government and other social agencies to find urgent solution to this problem. It is imperative to understand the causes of this problem, the theoretical explanations of analysts on this problem and whether their explanations can solve the problem. Causes of Homelessness in U.S. Homelessness is a†¦show more content†¦However, this argument is also less substantive because homelessness continues to increase even after the economy has stabilized and unemployment has reduced. Therefore, non-economic factors have a great role to play for increased homelessness. Theoretical explanation by analysts Scholars and policy analysts have discussed the issue of homelessness for a long time. The issue became more evident especially during the Great Depression of the 1930s where many people were left homeless after the collapse of the American economy. Scholars and social analysts believe there are more than economic reasons why many people are becoming homeless. Robertson and Greenblatt (2013) state that housing can be a major reason especially due to the shortage of houses for the low income earners, and reduction in people’s ability to acquire the low income houses. This is mainly due to conversion of low income neighborhoods to middle class houses or commercial buildings. The low pace in the construction of low income housing makes many people to become homeless. Homelessness is caused by several factors and does not entirely depend on a single issue. One of the causes is systems failure where the inadequacies in mainstream services lead to homelessness. These include improper discharging plans of people from hospitals, failure of follow up inShow MoreRelatedIs Homelessness A Social Problem?971 Words  | 4 Pagesexperienced homelessness. Thirty five % affecting families with children and mental illness contribute to the lowest at twenty% (Students against Hunger). There are many different homeless population in between, such as military veterans, children under the age of 18, and those that have experienced domestic violence just to name a few. Homelessness is a social problem because it depletes federal funding, increases taxes, and can lead to criminal activity. The reaction to homelessness regarding theRead MoreHomelessness Is A Social Problem1459 Words  | 6 PagesOn any given night there are over 600,000 individuals experiencing homelessness across America (State of Homelessness, 2014). Some may be in transitional housing, others in shelters. Some may be completely on their own or with a companion of sor ts, others are entire families lacking shelter, food, and basic everyday essentials more fortunate people take for granted. It is hard for anyone to believe that living on the streets could be a reality. The majority of homeless people have been driven intoRead MoreHomelessness : The Social Problem Essay853 Words  | 4 PagesHousing is the social problem and the social issue addressed by the social problem is homelessness. Homelessness is â€Å"an individual who lacks housing (without regard to whether the individual is a member of a family), including an individual whose primary residence during the night is a supervised public or private facility (e.g., shelters) that provides temporary living accommodations, and an individual who is a resident in transitional housing†(HHS, 2016). The history of homelessness dates as farRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Homelessness2038 Words  | 9 PagesDescription of the social problem Homelessness is an epidemic social problem that faces several individuals and families across the United States, especially in Detroit, Michigan. You may have seen a person or family sleeping on a park bench, under bridges and other public areas. Perhaps you have seen them holding up a sign on a street corner asking for money because of the hunger pains. At some point, we all had taken a look at the person holding up their sign thinking it’s not my problem. Why shouldRead MoreHomelessness : A Social Problem2408 Words  | 10 PagesHumans are known to be social creatures. It does not matter whether an individual falls on the introverted side of a personality spectrum because some form of human interaction is needed in order to function in life. However, when individuals are shunned by society due to issues such as homelessness or mental illness, the social contact that they need in order to thrive often stops. Many individuals are condemned if they suffer with homelessness or mental illness, however the integration of individualsRead MoreHomelessness : A Serious Social Problem1464 Words  | 6 PagesHomelessness is a serious social problem in most American cities. Homeless people are those who sleep in the open air or in provisional accommodation such as shelters or hotels, have no settlement after expulsion or release from jail or hospital, or dwell provisionally with relatives or friends on account of shortage of housing (Crane et al. 154-155). American economy has developed very fast since 1980s, but homeless population has been increasing. They seem to be seen here and there in public placeRead MoreHomelessness Is A Serious Social Problem2538 Words  | 11 Pages Homelessness in America has been a considered a serious social problem for at least thirty to forty years, affecting thousands upon thousands of people in all regions of the country. The individuals and families that make up the homeless population face struggles every day that many of us may never even experience in our entire lives. There are many factors that either contribute to or directly cause homelessness. Unfortunately, many people in our society believe that homelessness is a personalRead MoreWhy Homelessness Is Worldwide And Social Problem866 Words  | 4 Pagestransitional housing†(â€Å"definition of homelessness,†n.d.). It is important to recognize that homelessness is worldwide and social problem because it is directly affected by large social forces that affects individual’s social life. In a research made by Coalition for the homeless says that in December 2015, there were 60,096 homeless people in New York City, including 14,553 homeless fam ilies with 23,885 homeless children. Moreover, this becomes a social problem, due in large involvement to structuralRead MoreHomelessness Is The Most Vital Social Problem1668 Words  | 7 Pages Out of all of the social problems that are prevalent across America, homelessness is the one that should be grabbing the nation’s attention. As of April 20th of 2015, according to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, 1,750,000 individuals in the United States were reported as being homeless (Homelessness/Poverty). Homelessness in America is a major problem, which needs to be addressed in a much more effective manner than it currently is. It should be at the forefront of everyRead MoreWhy Homelessness Is Worldwide And Social Problem858 Words  | 4 Pagestransitional housing†(â€Å"definition of homelessness,†n.d.). It is important to recognize that homelessness is worldwide and social problem because it is directly affected by large social forc es that affects individual’s social life. In a research made by Coalition for the homeless says that in December 2015, there were 60,096 homeless people in New York city, including 14,553 homeless families with 23, 885 homeless children. Moreover, this becomes a social problem, due in large part to structural inequality
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